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Important: Important

This is a TEST site and could be subject to change and update at any time.

This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it.

Bereaved family members or someone who knew the person well can be involved in the review if they want to. This is important and helpful to the review process to learn as much as possible about the person.

Family of the person who died

Families often know the most about the care the person who died received. Their experience of services will influence high quality care and areas for improvement. This will also help learning; helping to improve services for other people

Families will be informed when a review is undertaken.. Families will be invitedto contribute information about the person who died. Families will also be offered:

  • an opportunity to comment on the draft review
  • a copy of the completed review

Family involvement

All families are different. Reviewers will talk to them to help them decide how much involvement they want in the LeDeR review. Reviewers will explain how to raise your questions or concerns, including those outside of the LeDeR process.

How to report a death

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